Dr. Gannon Dudlar
"Prevention of heat exhaustion is key not only to an athlete's health but to performance as well A cooling towel should be a part of athlete's cooling regimen that includes regular hydration. I recommend Chill Cooling Towels because they are instantly cool"
As summer quickly approaches athletes and sport trainers know that prevention of heat exhaustion is key not only to an athlete's health but to performance as well.
The good news is that CHILL Cooling Towels were developed with these important athletes’ needs in mind.
A significant aspect of cooling for an athlete is the dissipation of heat by evaporation of sweat or perspiration, as sweat evaporates heat energy is taken from the skin, cooling it in the process. CHILL Cooling Towels are soft, 100% terry cloth cotton towels that are pre-moistened with a unique, patent-pending, all-natural formula to instantly cool, refresh and energize on contact. They are especially formulated to aid in the evaporation of sweat, thus cooling the body faster.
Studies also show that reducing an athlete’s core body temperature before, during and post exercise, can help avoid heat exhaustion and enhance performance. Body temperature can rise quickly during physical training or a sports event and can often times reach temperatures exceeding 100 degrees.
The CHILL Cooling Towels are 20 to 30 degrees cooler than the body’s temperature right out the package, therefore placing a CHILL Cooling Towels on the back of an athlete’s neck or other pulse points can aid in reducing core body temperature.
CHIL Cooling Towels require no refrigeration and the cooling effect of CHILL Cooling Towels can last for hours, especially in hot humid environments.
Athletes are always looking for that competitive edge and keeping the body cool throughout an event can be that edge by aiding in enhancing performance, concentration and reducing fatigue. The towel’s formula does not negatively affect a player’s grip on sports equipment such as a club, ball or bat.
CHILL Cooling Towels come in fours sizes. However, the CHILL Cooling Sportowel is perfect for Athletes. It is over two square feet (12 x 27 inch) of soft cotton terry cloth. This generous size, comparable to a golf towel, is great instant heat relief during any sports game or for prior, during or after workouts. It’s a perfect addition to an athlete's cooling regimen that includes regular hydration.
CHILL Cooling Towels really do work. CHILL conducted rigorous testing including placing the cooling towels in a microwave on high for 15 seconds, heating the towel to a temperature of 170. After shaking the towel for 15 seconds the temperature went from 170 degrees down to 68 degrees - a 100-degree difference in seconds. This test demonstrates that heat does not affect the towels ability to cool no matter how hot the towel initially is.
Athletes are not the only ones vulnerable to the problems of excessive heat, everyone at sometime experiences the uncomfortable impact of excessive heat, CHILL's Cooling Towels are designed to provide instant heat relief, anytime, anywhere – right out of the package without refrigeration.
Athletes from amateurs, professionals to sporting event spectators use CHILL towels. Doctors and hospitals use them for cooling patients, even freezing them for orthopedic and plastic surgeons to reduce swelling. The towels contain antibiotic and anti-bacterial properties and are all natural.
CHILL towels are used year round by fire, police and EMT (rescue vehicles). In fact many industries, the military and professionals all use the towels to provide instant heat relief.
CHILL has created its own product category, is patent pending and is represented in 26 countries around the world and its sales have more than doubled each year since CHILL was introduced at the Orlando PGA Show in 2007.
CHILL leads the way in instant heat relief – the world over.